Decisions on Deadline at Sciences-Po in Paris, France

Preparing for a Presentation at Sciences-Po University in Paris, France

The annual New Practices in Journalism conference at Sciences Po University in Paris is always chock full of fascinating new ideas, tips, tools, and tricks to help journalists do our jobs. This year, I was honored to be presenting Decisions on Deadline, the new journalism game I created to help teach journalism ethics. From Nick Diakopoulous at the World Association of News Publishers “Journalists face ethical dilemmas daily, but the blurring of who claims to be a journalist means not every “journalist” has had ethics training. Samantha Grant, Director of Gush Productions, presented her new online game, Decisions on Deadlines. Players are journalists running down stories in a fictional town. They have to find stories and pursue tips, reporting daily on the ‘who, what, when, where and why,’ whilst facing ethical challenges. Grant said the game was a companion project for her feature documentary, A Fragile Trust, which tells the story of infamous plagiarist, Jayson Blair from The New York Times.”


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