DOTF Women and Girls Lead Global Screenings and Facilitator Guides

Front page of Spanish Language Facilitators Guide

Daughters of the Forest was selected to be a part of the Women and Girls Lead Global Initiative, funded by The Ford Foundation, USAID, and ITVS among others, which means that it was screened around the world in countries and communities where research indicated it could have the biggest potential social impact. A few of the countries where dozens of community screenings were organized include Bangladesh, India, Jordan, Kenya, and Peru. 

In addition to being a part of this social impact screening series, DOTF was given the opportunity and funding to develop Facilitator Guides in both Spanish and English for anyone who’d like to set up a community screening of the film in order to facilitate community conversations around the issues of women and girls empowerment through education, teen pregnancy prevention, the mitigation of deforestation, and climate change. 

Here’s an interview I did with Global Voices in advance of the National PBS Premiere:

And Here are the links to the free downloadable Facilitators Guides:

English Language Facilitators Guide
Spanish Language Facilitators Guide


A FRAGILE TRUST wins Two National Awards!!


Decisions on Deadline at Sciences-Po in Paris, France